It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Post About Redecorating!!

Can you believe it?! I’ve been lazy, y’all; like REAL lazy. And also, I’m working and doing bible studies and commuting and serving at church, so I’m tired. There’s no time to do anything anymore, it seems like. I had this idea months ago; actually, I think I bought these curtains last year. I priced them out to do what I needed done, but it was going to be like $80, which was ridiculous, since I’d already paid more than I wanted to for the curtains (AKA normal price, but I am cheap).

The dining room is boring. I don’t like how the table turned out, so I haven’t done anything at all. Tonight I took The Little One with me to Lowe’s and let her pick out the curtain rods, and I got home and hung the curtains that I broke down and Stitch-Witched last night. Here’s the before picture of the dining room.



The dining room isn’t anywhere near done, but here’s a sneak peek for you!


Sorry, this was like the only part of the room that was clean! Ok, I promise promise promise that I will get this room looking good and in shape to take full pictures of! I ordered a new rug that I’m picking up tonight that hopefully will tie it in together. Can wait to show it!

1 comment

    • Halley on June 11, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    We have those curtains- love them!

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