Category: Random Stuff

Famous Dave

I read an article (click here to read) about the wish of Dave Moran, an awesome guy who is suffering from terminal cancer, and what seem like really super cool friends of his.

Almost famous? We can help do that, right?

Ok, go like his Facebook page, alright?

Ok, now share it. Share it to everyone you know. Get the word out! Check his webpage often here. Click on the picture below, cut it out, take it with you places. Let’s see how many places that Dave can see in the next month! And be creative!


No, I don’t know him, but I do read the news page, and I cried when I read what his friends are doing. What phenomenal people, really! We could all use friends that would do something so special for us, right? Ready? Set? Go.

Halloween, y’all / Kid Style

One of the cool things about living in Virginia is that the weather can be unpredictable, so you can have a super warm Halloween. One of the sucky things about living in Virginia is that the weather can be unpredictable, so you can have a super freezing Halloween. Let’s look at the last few years:

It may not be obvious, but it makes it seriously difficult to choose a costume because of this nonsense. Will it be freezing? Hot? Can this costume have easily removable/addable layers? Can cats/cheerleaders/zombies wear mittens? Doctors can pull off gloves and a white coat, but as you see, the weather was perfectly normal that year. One thing we’ve never once had to worry about, though, is snow. Oh wait, UNTIL NOW. What the hell, Sandy?! Luckily the snow had melted, though it still made for a particularly chilly night. Kennedy spent her first Halloween with her dad, stepmom, and brothers, which I’ll admit was difficult for me since we have a tradition, but it’s important for her dad’s side to get traditions as well. He sent me this picture of her and her older brother:

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

Those Four Little Words

Middle school was not easy for me, for several reasons, but mostly because I looked like this:


Oh, girl. Just. . . . no.

I have blocked out most of it, because it was awful. Y’all think kids are mean in general? Try looking like that. I was 11 in that picture! Awful, though I did learn very early on that relying on my looks to get me through life was not going to be an option. Some stuff stays with me, like the octave my sister used when she sang “Bucky the Beeeeaaaaa-vah!” to me, or when my mother would ask me after a dental visit if they flossed between my front teeth with a rope. Yes, these actually DID happen.

So my oldest, the angel, is in third grade. She’s beautiful and will have none of the same issues that I had, and for that, I am simultaneously grateful and jealous. Her white-blonde hair and striking blue eyes make it obvious that she’s a combination of our best features, but put together in a way that allow her to look like neither her father, nor I.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

The Great Ped Egg Incident of 2008

There have been several times that I was unnecessarily injured in the line of beauty, though little can even hold a candle to what I and my friends refer to as The Great Ped Egg Incident of 2008. I got a Ped Egg because I had such high hopes at how beautiful my feet could be. I don’t do pedicures (I’ve had maybe 3 my whole life), so I thought this would be such a great and cheap way to make my feet ready for the summer. I would be ready to take on the world, y’all.

I soaked my feet beforehand, and got to egging. Instantly, I was simultaneously hooked and disgusted. The shavings were falling everywhere. After a quick google search, I realized I was doing it upside down. Once I turned it rightside up, we were good to go. And go we did. I put on Grey’s Anatomy and watched as Addison came back and put the heart back inside a baby (shocking, since that character puts the heart in nothing, but I digress). Fascinated, I continued through much of Must See TV until the news came on.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!


Hey, y’all! I’ve been quiet lately because I’ve been attempting to recover. For some reason, I intended on not taking any time off after the surgery. I’m honestly not sure what in the hell I was thinking, because I’m pretty sure all it did was prolong the healing. Apparently even though it’s laproscopic, it still should be taken more seriously than, say, a cough.

So anyway, I’m healing. I hope to God that I’m still swollen, but it’s definitely a possibility that this is my new shape thanks to the $40 in cupcakes I’ve eaten this week.

Yesterday the gang headed to the mall (you know really, I don’t know WTF possesses us to continue to bring this child in public). She was alright, save for a moment in Barnes and Noble where I expressed my genuine appreciation for getting spayed after I realized that her outfit wasn’t soaked in apple juice as we’d thought, but instead in poop soup.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!


Ok, so I wasn’t going to say anything because I mean…it’s kind of personal and most people don’t need to hear it, but whatever, here we go. It’s mildly entertaining I think.

I went and got formally baby-proofed. And before you say “OMG that’s a major surgery, Hubbin should have done it!” believe me, I agree. However, Hubbin has been upfront and honest since Day 1 that he would NOT be having any baby-proofing surgery, and also, he wouldn’t mind another child. So while I did not want the surgery, I didn’t want another baby even more.

Two nights before, Hubbin looks at me and says “Are you sure you want to do this?” Hmm…let’s recap, shall we?

Um, yeah.

Yeah, Hubbin, no thanks.

So the day before, I go in for all my pre-op blood work and paper-signing. The doctor is giving me all the disclaimers, saying that it’s possible to still get pregnant, and he says “If that happens…” and I interrupt with “You’ll pay child support, right?” and it was then that I realized that his sense of humor was not all that great. No more jokes, Lacky.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!