
Today is Monday (I hope you already knew that, though, and went to work today). Since I actually love my job, Mondays don’t bother me at all. I have to say that the constant barrage of “ZOMG IT’S MONDAY AGAIN SOMEONE SHOOT ME!” on Facebook is super annoying, though.

However, I will say that around fall time, I am super annoyed with Monday nights. A few years ago, I asked Hubbin what he wanted for Christmas and he said all he wanted was for me to watch football with him. I dislike football, but moreso than that, I am cheap and gift-handicapped, so I gave in. I gave it a valiant effort, too. Being a lifelong Niners fan, last season was like a dream come true for him. In a show if support, I ordered Niners shirts for the whole family, even the baby. We wore them during games, and I totally got into it.

Until about January, that is. I was tired of football all day Sunday and Monday night (yes, THANK YOU, DIRECTV, for making it so easy to watch every farking game imaginable!), and I counted down the days until we were done while Hubbin quietly weeped.

And then? It came back. I love college football but hate the NFL because it is so annoying, in that it changes our schedule and demands to be watched. I am officially an NFL widow. Hubbin is engrossed downstairs watching the Cowgirls/Giants game, and in what can only be described as an act of war, I am upstairs in our bedroom eating chips on his side of the bed.

Weaker sex, my ass.


    • landena on October 16, 2012 at 12:55 am

    Cowgirls…ha ha love it!

    • Who shall not named on October 2, 2012 at 3:50 am

    Lol. Y’all its not as bad as she makes it out to be….Because I hate it when grays-antamony, desperate house ladies, glee, bridezilla, private practice, the good wife, honey boo-boo, snapped, law and order, teen mom, any cooking show, what not to wear, the dozen wedding dress shows, house wives of whatever city, the addiction intervention show, jerseylicous, any and all of the dancing shows, everything on the life and own channels..etc… Etc…. Come on. I also usually just watch football on Sundays and Monday nights (and only if I like the team). I don’t usually watch college football unless its a bowl game or I get to see tech lose.

      • Kristin on October 2, 2012 at 3:57 am

      Ahh, it’s Hubbin!! He really does give me control of the remote pretty much every other second. His affirmation that he only watches teams he likes is a crooooooooooooock, though. He watched every Cowboys game in hopes that they lose. And he watches every game that has one of his fantasy players on it.

      But he’s reading my blog, so that makes up for it. I’ll scrape the Pringles off your side, baby.

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