Near Death Experience

So, I’m helping design Jason’s sisters house, now that my decor of my sister’s is nearly done. I need to remember to post pictures; it’s beautiful!

So as I am scouring Pinterest and other home improvement blogs, I’m getting more annoyed with my living room. I hate the color, to be honest. It’s super green. I knew that, actually, when I first rolled it on, but I thought it would dry darker, and it didn’t. So, I’m just living with it.

Or I was, until I kept pouring through thousands of ideas. So, how does this end up a near death experience? When Hubbin got home, I looked at him sheepishly and broke the news that the living room needed a makeover. Again. And if looks could kill….

In the end, though, he only said we need to do the kitchen first. Ok, I can get on board with that. In the meantime, if anyone needs me I will be pinning.

Spoiled Princess


Daddy spoils his baby. Why sit in your high chair when you can sit in your Daddy’s lap while he feeds you? One day I’m going to look over and he’ll be chewing it and spitting it in her mouth like a mama bird.


“Argh” as in “lovely, she did it again”, not “Argh, give me all your gold, matey”.  But maybe that too.

If anyone has ever lived with someone that has near paralzying ADD, you know how frustrating it is. Imagine BEING that person, though. It’s really difficult and frustrating to be the one that can’t remember anything. Like…really frustrating.

My most recent “Ok, how on EARTH…” experience was losing our vacuum cleaner. It’s gone. I have no idea where it went. It vanished, into thin air. This house is the size of a coffin, so it’s not easy to misplace anything of decent size, even for me. I realized that in this entire house, there is not a single closet that exists outside of a bedroom. There are no linen closets, pantries, coat closets. Nowhere to put, say, a VACUUM or broom. The vacuum has lived inside Kennedy’s closet for a long time. I don’t vacuum often because I am totally lazy we only have hardwood, with a couple of area rugs thrown in rooms. The living room is a disaster, though, because the little one thinks nothing of crumbling cookies and stomping them into the floor.

I considered the most likely possibilities; that I had put it in the basement (nope), or out on the front step (nope), or even that an indigent, down on their luck fella had stopped by and come in, saw the house and thought “Well, they obviously never use this, so I’ll rehome it.” I think that’s the most logical explanation, because I have been looking for three weeks and it is nowhere to be found. The cleaning lady didn’t even find it, and she finds everything!

Wish me luck. And if you see a yellow, 8-year-old (yet ironically “like new”) vacuum cleaner, please send him home.


Today is Monday (I hope you already knew that, though, and went to work today). Since I actually love my job, Mondays don’t bother me at all. I have to say that the constant barrage of “ZOMG IT’S MONDAY AGAIN SOMEONE SHOOT ME!” on Facebook is super annoying, though.

However, I will say that around fall time, I am super annoyed with Monday nights. A few years ago, I asked Hubbin what he wanted for Christmas and he said all he wanted was for me to watch football with him. I dislike football, but moreso than that, I am cheap and gift-handicapped, so I gave in. I gave it a valiant effort, too. Being a lifelong Niners fan, last season was like a dream come true for him. In a show if support, I ordered Niners shirts for the whole family, even the baby. We wore them during games, and I totally got into it.

Until about January, that is. I was tired of football all day Sunday and Monday night (yes, THANK YOU, DIRECTV, for making it so easy to watch every farking game imaginable!), and I counted down the days until we were done while Hubbin quietly weeped.

And then? It came back. I love college football but hate the NFL because it is so annoying, in that it changes our schedule and demands to be watched. I am officially an NFL widow. Hubbin is engrossed downstairs watching the Cowgirls/Giants game, and in what can only be described as an act of war, I am upstairs in our bedroom eating chips on his side of the bed.

Weaker sex, my ass.

Kitchen : Phase 1

I have come to terms that this thing ain’t getting done in one afternoon. Hubbin left this afternoon to go watch the Niners Jets game in peace with a friend, and when he left I figured today was as good a time as any to paint the trim.

Well, had I not left the top off the paint the last time I used it. It is now a $40 gallon of glue. I considered just waiting for another day, but then I looked around the house and realized that if I didn’t paint, I’d need to clean. And I definitely didn’t want to clean. The paint for the walls hadn’t been opened, so I embarked on that. I managed to actually paint the entire kitchen (and the entryway, actually) in a few hours, so I’m pretty pleased.

Here you go!



The bottom trim does not look great, and I know that; I actually decided earlier today that I want to replace it, so I was super duper sloppy and didn’t even care one tiny bit!  We still have to paint the cabinets, install the new doors, and get new countertops, but in the meantime, at least the paint is a liveable color! I’m happy with the result so far and am that much more excited to get the rest of it done!

The Dreaded Kitchen

I cannot believe that I am showing these online. Publishing, for the whole world! Ok, publishing for like…20 of my closest friends, and probably 10 people that can’t stand me but cyber stalk (FYI, Google Analytics never lies!). This kitchen is a hot mess, y’all. Ugh. You ready?

 HA! Told you so!

I know. And actually, you should have seen it before I spray painted those AWFUL handles, bought decent blinds, and laid the new floor. It was horrible. This is why I get angry when I watch the idiots on House Hunters that are all “ZOMG I can NOT live in a house that doesn’t have granite”. Um, granite? Shoot, I’d be thrilled with anything less than faux butcher block laminate.

My husband is wonderful. He really is a wonderful man. He also, however, is a colorblind man. That color? Chosen when he was a bachelor. I’m not sure what it is officially called, but it is uglier than hell. We lost two drawers and two doors, as well, in order to get the dishwasher (definitely worth it). It’s just a mess. I have never before posted before pictures when there’s no after; nevermind of the worst room in the house.

Hubbin and I had date night on Saturday; for those that aren’t married, date night is spent on movie, a meal, and a trip to a store sans kids; it’s thrilling to go shopping without whining (well, without the kids’ whining. I whine pretty regularly during shopping). So, we saw House at the End of the Street (one of the best movies we have seen in a long time, I highly recommend), ate at the typical local place, and then went to Lowe’s. We chose Moose Mousse by Valspar for the walls (it’s actually the color of my office, which will one day get posted). The cabinets are being painted white, and I’ve picked european bar pulls for the cabinets and drawers.

This was supposed to be a very, very cheap DIY; much like the bathroom. However, we simply can’t make it look even halfway decent without changing the countertops. And if we change the countertops, we have to change the sink as well. We intend on hitting up the Habitat ReStore for both of those (so obviously we are NOT replacing with granite); every time we have gone before, they have great sinks, so hopefully that will pan out.

So, wish me luck! This job will likely take a long time, so be patient!