Grumpy Prince Gets a Playmate – And More

I can only assume that Princess Kate has been reading my blog, so thank you so much for honoring my own Grumpy Toddler (real name Charlotte Elizabeth) with the Royal Baby. Prince George, I urge you to read up on Infant Sibling Disease from The Honest Toddler. He is wise.

I was on the #GreatKateWait for like…forever now, hoping to hear any name other than Charlotte, to no avail. I hope that Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana proves to you naysayers that hated the name Charlotte when I used it a whopping four years ago and thought it was old and outdated know that it is CLEARLY royalty-worthy and that I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG.

I also know, based on the text messages I’ve gotten, that a million of you zoomed over to see what I had to say about Princess Beautiful stealing my precious baby name – only to find nothing.

Womp Womp Womp

So, now, for the serious part. This is raw and difficult to write.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

I have lost my mind

…and y’all, there wasn’t much there to begin with.

I worked today, which included inviting a friend to go shopping with me during lunch and then realizing I forgot my entire wallet, so that was nice. And then a major database failure that required restoring from backup and a total bailout from the old boss that I terrorized, poor woman. And then I came home and changed and painted the entire dining room or office or whatever it is right now.

Grumpy Toddler is now fluent in Spanish, thanks to three hours of YouTube, and I’m pretty sure she may have called me a really bad word (ok, not really, but it’s SO within the realm of possibility – Daddy is at Bible Study and we just lose our minds when Daddy is gone), and The Oldest One has been talking for at least four minutes and I have no idea what she just said. I slept two whole hours last night and woke up singing I’m Too Sexy and I THINK IT MAY BE TIME FOR ANOTHER PINTEREST INTERVENTION, Y’ALL.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

The Office Again. Y’all, I can’t even…

Ok so there have been no renovations since The Bathroom of 2014, and pretty much just Jesus posts, because that bathroom reno made me REALLY NEED JESUS. It has been SEVEN MONTHS since that renovation and I have needed SEVEN MONTHS OF JESUS to undo what it did to my psyche. And also, it’s still not done. I mean, it’s done in that it works and it’s pretty, but it’s not blog-worthy done. But the time has come that I have no choice but to renovate something. And this massive palace is a whopping 1,248 square feet, so you’ll be shocked to hear that it’s a re-renovation of a room we have already done. Twice. But at least it’s not the living room again, amiright?

So once upon a time I had a dining room that we really just used for show, let’s just be honest here. And feel free to click here to see that monstrosity. When I took a job working from home, that room was transformed into my home office. That project was my first ever renovation and was actually what made me start this blog. When I quit that job, though, I didn’t want to see the office anymore, so it was turned back into a dining room!

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!


Get your popcorn, y’all; it’s long and it’s taken me 3 months to finish it.

I haven’t thought about this in a long time, which is why it seemed odd when it kept coming back to me, replaying itself over and over in my mind. Something tells me to write about it, so here we go.

I started this blog in 2012. At first, it was going to be about home renovation, and then it just…morphed into parenting and cooking and whatever else was on my mind. Back then, I posted about parenting and fixing the house, and I had more viewers than I thought I would. I attempted to cultivate a persona of what I thought wanted to be read, and I wrote to that demographic. I posted things that weren’t very politically correct, but I didn’t care because it was funny and it made people laugh. And I love to make people laugh.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

Putting Christ in Christmas

This keeps weighing on me and I finally have to say something. This phrase, the internet memes, the signs, the biting blogs – they make my heart sink, though likely not for the reasons you may think.

I don’t know about you, but Christ IS in our Christmas. He’s also in our Thanksgiving, our Easter, our Sundays, and every other day of the week. He’s in there because we put Him in there. You see, other people can’t put Christ in our Christmas. You can’t put Him in mine and I can’t put Him in yours. And you know how to ensure that He’s NOT in Christmas?

  • By yelling at people who say Happy Holidays (come on, people, it’s a pleasant greeting, accept that someone took time to wish you something nice and move on).
  • By posting nasty, judgmental memes (seriously, do you feel like that shows the love of Christianity?)
  • By acting trite.

If you want to put Christ back in Christmas, thank people for wishing you well. Donate your time to feeding, clothing, and housing the poor. Counsel those struggling with their faith. Bring a hot meal to someone in need. Read your Bible. Observe Advent. Read Matthew (or any of the rest of the Gospel. Or the New Testament. Or the prophesies in the OT.). Pray. Speak your true testimony to someone that needs to hear it. Forgive the people you haven’t forgiven yet. Extend mercy to the person who cut you off by not hanging out the window yelling. Love others that you deem unworthy of love. Call Social Services and ask if you can sponsor a foster family for Christmas. Examine your heart to see where it is hardened.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

Blessing Bags

Ok, you guys know that the holidays are coming up, and with that? Cold weather. I know I’m excited about knee boots and tights and the smell of fall, but the changing temperatures mean something totally different to those without homes.

I know I personally don’t have a problem giving cash to the homeless (though I rarely have any on me anyway); I figure that I’m not going to spend that $5 any more wisely than they will – maybe a soda and candy. I know that a lot of people don’t feel this way, though, and are stuck in a position where they want to help, but don’t know how to without enabling.

Pondering this, I came across Blessing Bags on Facebook, which talked about things to put in Ziplock bags to keep in your car; such things included a bottle of water, bar of soap (wrap that a few times or it’s going to permeate everything else in the bag), granola bars, juice box, tissues, antibacterial wipes, bandages, packets of Tylenol, toothbrushes/toothpaste, etc. Hubbin got me like 40 handwarmers as a joke one Christmas, so I throw a couple in there, along with sanitary items for women.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!