Category: Random Stuff


So this week has gone by, and I haven’t posted. Which, in blog land, is apparently punishable by death. I try not to force-post because I think it’s obvious and boring, but this post is probably boring too, so whatever. In the last week, while I haven’t been posting, I have:

  • Started a new Bible study called For Women Only
  • Spent two whole days at my office which make for 15 hour days, which I’m not at all used to
  • Spent every waking moment snuggling my children, thanking God for another day with them
  • Started serving with a part of the Kid’s Community at my church that I really didn’t think I was suited for, but it was such a fate thing it’s not even funny. And I loved it.
  • Odyssey of the Mind practice Saturday, along with a birthday party
  • Began Operation WHY DO WE STILL HAVE ALL OF THIS CRAP?! That started partly in the master bedroom/throw everything in there room, and then migrated to the basement. Seriously, the crap that we have, it’s ridiculous.
  • That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!


I saw this sign today, posted on Facebook; it says

“And so it was . . . that she, having waited long and endured patiently, realized and obtained what God had promised.”

I realized I’ve been really overwhelmed with this feeling lately. Once upon a time, I was a single mom that really was struggling to make it. Newly separated, and with a five-month-old depending on me, I realized that my path, my dreams, had somewhere gone terribly awry from what I had envisioned for myself. I never dreamed I’d be the poor single mother with no degree; or, more accurately, with half a degree. I’d put my schooling “on hold” (aka, couldn’t balance it) during my first marriage, and worked in the blossoming career as a delivery driver for Domino’s before working for my mother’s accounting firm when I was too pregnant to bring people their food. When my marriage dissolved, I found myself in a very different place than I’d ever anticipated, and I busted my butt and worked three jobs while commuting 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. And I kid you not, I never slept. I remember sitting and sobbing at times, hating that I was working and schooling so much that I was missing important things with my daughter. I remember my mother telling me to just focus on the finish line; that one day it would all be worth it. And then I graduated and my starting salary for my first job was SO much less than I thought it would be. All that work…what was it for? It seemed like that day would never come.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

And you thought I embarrassed my sister…

So I was thinking back about times that I embarrass people, and there is one that stands out in my mind completely. Not that she’s the only other person that I embarrassed, but probably the one that was embarrassed and/or horrified/humiliated most often.

She was my boss, and she had to have regretted immediately having hired me. Actually, I know she did. Before I even started, we left together on a business trip. I talk when I’m uncomfortable (and bored, and happy, and sad, and…) so I must have talked her ear off. When we got to the hotel, it was brand new and had just opened. They booked us in a room and we went to get ice, and that’s when it happened; she walked into a pane of glass that was so clean you couldn’t see it.

Now, if you’ve ever been with me when I’ve been pulled over, you know that I also laugh when I’m uncomfortable, and it’s completely, 100% uncontrollable.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

New Year’s House Goals

Instead of resolutions, I figured I’ll post goals.

1. First and foremost, we have got to get organized. This house is way too small for all the crap we have, and way too small to not be organized. As it is, the cleaning lady (aka best thing that’s ever happened to me) can’t actually clean the whole house at once, because there’s always a room that has all the stuff shoved in it that was laying around all the rooms she DOES clean, in an effort to get it clean enough for her to come in. We are SLOBS. We have stuff we don’t even know about. We’ve got to get it under control.

2. A redo of our master bedroom. And by “master bedroom” I mean that the only thing that distinguishes it from the others is that we sleep there. It’s just an exact replica of the nursery in size. It’s also the only room in the house that doesn’t have heat. When I moved in, the floor was covered in blue shag carpet. And obviously no one felt that anyone would ever want to have the hardwood floors underneath, because they never bothered to throw a drop cloth down when they painted. We pulled up the carpet but the floors are trashed. I want to lay high pile carpet, Hubbin doesn’t agree. There’s not a single piece of furniture that matches another, either. Our bed is beautiful, Hubbin actually made it with his father, but it’s a sleigh bed and takes up precious space, which we really need. I’d love to get a matching bedroom set, and save our current bed for a future guest room.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

Some Comic Relief

So the trip to Maine wasn’t all bad; one of my strengths is that I find humor where others wouldn’t. For instance, I found it humorous that my sister and I were going on the same trip, yet packed so differently.


And as she slung that bag on the scale, I saw the weight and was instantly glad I didn’t sneeze on it before she closed it (because it would have weighed more and also because she’d have shot me).


My sister and I both have horrible self-esteem, which usually surprises people because she’s beautiful and I apparently exude some sort of false confidence that is SO inaccurate. Because of this, we can’t take a picture together to save our life. After several attempts at documenting just a single picture, we gave up and did this instead:


I took a less than flattering shot of our first flight attendant, who’d positioned herself in the jumpseat against the cockpit door (if you’ve never been in a small plane, thats where their seats are!) and spent a good 20 minutes gnawing her fingernails. She may have been hungry, it was a 6AM flight. About 20 minutes before we landed, she came on the speaker and asked us to look around us for a cell phone. Then, just in case maybe it carried more weight, she let us know it was the pilot’s cell phone.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!

Life Lessons

I’m home from my grandfather’s funeral. I could go on about how wonderful he was, again, but the only thing more uncomfortable than grief is reading about someone else’s. Instead, I’ll go over some life lessons I learned, and next post, I’ll be funny, I promise.

1. If you have never experienced being around a big family, you should. My father has one brother and five sisters, with an age range of 18 years between the oldest and youngest, and in every aspect, it was wonderful to watch them, and consistently left me in awe. In the beginning, as they comforted each other, and got each other through the death of their father. And later, as they cared for their mother. It was almost as if they took their original roles back; there were caretakers, there were those providing comic relief. The common denominator was, though, that they all embodied this strength. The Gorman family is known well in the small town of Fort Fairfield, and for good reason. They have left an everlasting legacy.

That isn’t it, y’all. You have to click here to read the rest!