A Party Ten Years in the Making

(Written in May – look, I’ve been lazy, alright?)

The Oldest One’s father and I separated in 2005 when she was five months old. Like most divorces, it was contentious, and a lot of bad choices were made on both sides (mostly the in way I reacted to things). I’ll admit that it’s not easy to share custody of an infant, and I most certainly didn’t make it any easier. There were times that it got easier, but mostly it was hard.

Luckily, we both always loved her more than we hated each other, and that has always made all the difference. She’s been blissfully ignorant about the Continue reading

The One About the Body

I must say that I loved last last summer; I’d lost a bunch of weight thanks to not being in an office all day (and I started smoking, that helped, but was a poor decision).

This year…is different. I am saggy and flabby thanks to working an office job again and eating way more than I should, and carrying around 30lbs of quitting smoking weight. My clothes don’t fit and I feel gross. I bought a swimsuit from Victoria Secret only to realize that the $48 only covered the top; so, right before we left for the pool, I Continue reading

Mother Daughter Talks

(Written in February, 2014)

The other day I found out about some mean girl stuff that was going on and got to have a long talk with The Oldest One, who turns 10 in April. She’s growing so fast. Always a wise old soul, she’s been a breeze since she was born, aside from being a rough baby. In ways, she has raised me more than I have raised her. Quick to forgive and never without a smile, she’s a parent’s dream.

She’s also incredibly faithful, and her thirst for more of God always takes me off guard. Baptized at 9 this year after years of asking me, she is serious in her faith and rarely waivers.

She’s also every bit of a people pleaser, which worried me as she grew and the other day, proved that I wasn’t very off in my concern that, although she is incredibly strong, her desire to please may cause issues down the road with Continue reading

The Dining Room

It’s pretty obviously not done, but I got lazy. I also bought a carpet but I’m nearly positive I don’t like it and it’s not even unrolled. So, it’s pretty plain.Dining Room-(24 of 15)

This table is my nemesis. I worked on it. And worked on it. And worked on it. And then it was almost perfect and I did ONE MORE THING and it destroyed it. I had to sand it down after like 4 coats of stain and 6 coats of spar varnish, y’all. In the summer. That was WORK. I messed it up and I was clearly on the verge of beating it to death when Hubbin came in and took the sledgehammer from me and had his father fix it for me. It was done in 2 days.

I stained it WAY too dark, though, and I don’t like it. I want another one but Hubbin saw me buy bathroom paint the other day for to redo the bathroom again and his head exploded, so then I had to clean that up. I also didn’t even bother to clean the dining room up before these pictures, so this is probably one of the laziest posts I’ve done thus far. It’s not staged. It’s not pretty. I hate everything but the curtains, which of course were from Lowe’s, like everything I get. Continue reading

The Story of the Wedding Dress

Oh, the wedding dress. I bought it before Hubbin had even proposed; MONTHS before he’d proposed, actually. I went with a friend just to be silly, and there it was; totally different than I ever thought I’d wear, and on a clearance rack. I grabbed it along with a few others, and started trying on dresses.

The very effeminate man working in the boutique that day made the obligatory oohs and aahs until I stepped out in The Dress, and he clasped his hands over his mouth and said “Oh honey, that’s the one”. And it was…it SO was the one. I bought it that day. I knew Hubbin would propose one day, and I knew that Continue reading

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Post About Redecorating!!

Can you believe it?! I’ve been lazy, y’all; like REAL lazy. And also, I’m working and doing bible studies and commuting and serving at church, so I’m tired. There’s no time to do anything anymore, it seems like. I had this idea months ago; actually, I think I bought these curtains last year. I priced them out to do what I needed done, but it was going to be like $80, which was ridiculous, since I’d already paid more than I wanted to for the curtains (AKA Continue reading